These files contain the ancestry-specific (METAL) and trasethnic (MANTRA) HbA1c meta-analysis results. For more information please check Wheeler E, Leong A et al. PLOS Medicine. (2017) Allele frequencies are from HapMap: -------------------------------- Ancestry-specific METAL results: -------------------------------- HbA1c_METAL_ANCESTRY.txt.gz, where ancestry is: European, AfricanAmerican, EastAsian or SouthAsian. Note - results have been double-GC corrected. The columns in these files represent: snp SNP ID chr chromosome (NCBI build 36) pos position (NCBI build 36) effect_allele Effect allele other_allele Other (non-effect) allele eaf_hapmap_pop Frequency of A1 in HapMap rel 27 [pop: CEU (European results), YRI (African American results), CHB (East Asian results), GIH (South Asian results] beta beta coefficient (effect size) stderr Standard error of beta coefficient pvalue p-value for testing effect size = 0 --------------------------- Transethnic MANTRA results: --------------------------- HbA1c_MANTRA.txt.gz, MANTRA HbA1c meta-analysis results (combined European, African American, East Asian and South Asian results) The columns in these files represent: snp SNP id chr chromosome (NCBI build 36) pos position (NCBI build 36) allele1 Allele 1 allele2 Allele 2 log10bf log10 Bayes' factor for evidence of association