
MAGIC Publications

  1. GWAS of random glucose in 476,326 individuals provide insights into diabetes pathophysiology, complications and treatment stratification

    Vasiliki Lagou et al.

    Nature Genetics 2023

  2. Genome-wide association study and functional characterisation identifies candidate genes for insulin-stimulated glucose uptake

    Williamson et al.

    Nature Genetics 2023

  3. Loci for insulin processing and secretion provide insight into type 2 diabetes risk

    Kelsy Alaine Broadway et al.

    American Journal of Human Genetics 2023

  4. Large-scale exome array summary statistics resources for glycemic traits to aid effector gene prioritization

    Sara Willems et al.

    Wellcome Open Research 2023

  5. The Trans-Ancestral Genomic Architecture of Glycaemic Traits

    Ji Chen et al.

    Nature Genetics 2021

  6. Sex-dimorphic genetic effects and novel loci for fasting glucose and insulin variability

    Vasiliki Lagou et al.

    Nature Communications 2021;12;24;

  7. Genome-wide Association Study of Change in Fasting Glucose over time in 13,807 non-diabetic European Ancestry Individuals.

    Liu CT et al.

    Scientific reports 2019;9;1;9439

  8. Tissue-Specific Alteration of Metabolic Pathways Influences Glycemic Regulation

    Natasha H. J. Ng et al.

    bioRxiv 2019;790618-790699

  9. Impact of common genetic determinants of Hemoglobin A1c on type 2 diabetes risk and diagnosis in ancestrally diverse populations: A transethnic genome-wide meta-analysis.

    Wheeler E et al.

    PLoS medicine 2017;14;9;e1002383

  10. Genome-Wide Association Study of the Modified Stumvoll Insulin Sensitivity Index Identifies BCL2 and FAM19A2 as Novel Insulin Sensitivity Loci.

    Walford GA et al.

    Diabetes 2016;65;10;3200-11

  11. A central role for GRB10 in regulation of islet function in man.

    Prokopenko I et al.

    PLoS genetics 2014;10;4;e1004235

  12. Large-scale association analyses identify new loci influencing glycemic traits and provide insight into the underlying biological pathways.

    Scott RA et al.

    Nature genetics 2012;44;9;991-1005

  13. A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance.

    Manning AK et al.

    Nature genetics 2012;44;6;659-69

  14. No interactions between previously associated 2-hour glucose gene variants and physical activity or BMI on 2-hour glucose levels.

    Scott RA et al.

    Diabetes 2012;61;5;1291-6

  15. Genome-wide association identifies nine common variants associated with fasting proinsulin levels and provides new insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes.

    Strawbridge RJ et al.

    Diabetes 2011;60;10;2624-34

  16. Common variants at 10 genomic loci influence hemoglobin A₁(C) levels via glycemic and nonglycemic pathways.

    Soranzo N et al.

    Diabetes 2010;59;12;3229-39

  17. Detailed physiologic characterization reveals diverse mechanisms for novel genetic Loci regulating glucose and insulin metabolism in humans.

    Ingelsson E et al.

    Diabetes 2010;59;5;1266-75

  18. Genetic variation in GIPR influences the glucose and insulin responses to an oral glucose challenge.

    Saxena R et al.

    Nature genetics 2010;42;2;142-8

  19. New genetic loci implicated in fasting glucose homeostasis and their impact on type 2 diabetes risk.

    Dupuis J et al.

    Nature genetics 2010;42;2;105-16

  20. Variants in MTNR1B influence fasting glucose levels.

    Prokopenko I et al.

    Nature genetics 2008;41;1;77-81

Publications in which MAGIC was a collaborator

  1. Impact of common variation in bone-related genes on type 2 diabetes and related traits.

    Billings LK et al.

    Diabetes 2012;61;8;2176-86

  2. Stratifying type 2 diabetes cases by BMI identifies genetic risk variants in LAMA1 and enrichment for risk variants in lean compared to obese cases.

    Perry JR et al.

    PLoS genetics 2012;8;5;e1002741

  3. A genome-wide approach accounting for body mass index identifies genetic variants influencing fasting glycemic traits and insulin resistance.

    Manning AK et al.

    Nature genetics 2012;44;6;659-69

  4. Race-ethnic differences in the association of genetic loci with HbA1c levels and mortality in U.S. adults: the third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III).

    Grimsby JL et al.

    BMC medical genetics 2012;13;30

  5. Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals.

    Dastani Z et al.

    PLoS genetics 2012;8;3;e1002607

  6. No interactions between previously associated 2-hour glucose gene variants and physical activity or BMI on 2-hour glucose levels.

    Scott RA et al.

    Diabetes 2012;61;5;1291-6

  7. Rare MTNR1B variants impairing melatonin receptor 1B function contribute to type 2 diabetes.

    Bonnefond A et al.

    Nature genetics 2012;44;3;297-301

  8. A genome-wide association search for type 2 diabetes genes in African Americans.

    Palmer ND et al.

    PloS one 2012;7;1;e29202

  9. Genome-wide association for abdominal subcutaneous and visceral adipose reveals a novel locus for visceral fat in women.

    Fox CS et al.

    PLoS genetics 2012;8;5;e1002695

  10. The Lin28/let-7 axis regulates glucose metabolism.

    Zhu H et al.

    Cell 2011;147;1;81-94

  11. Total zinc intake may modify the glucose-raising effect of a zinc transporter (SLC30A8) variant: a 14-cohort meta-analysis.

    Kanoni S et al.

    Diabetes 2011;60;9;2407-16

  12. Identification of an imprinted master trans regulator at the KLF14 locus related to multiple metabolic phenotypes.

    Small KS et al.

    Nature genetics 2011;43;6;561-4

  13. Common variants near ATM are associated with glycemic response to metformin in type 2 diabetes.

    GoDARTS and UKPDS Diabetes Pharmacogenetics Study Group et al.

    Nature genetics 2011;43;2;117-20

  14. Genetic risk reclassification for type 2 diabetes by age below or above 50 years using 40 type 2 diabetes risk single nucleotide polymorphisms.

    de Miguel-Yanes JM et al.

    Diabetes care 2011;34;1;121-5

  15. Association analyses of 249,796 individuals reveal 18 new loci associated with body mass index.

    Speliotes EK et al.

    Nature genetics 2010;42;11;937-48

  16. Meta-analysis identifies 13 new loci associated with waist-hip ratio and reveals sexual dimorphism in the genetic basis of fat distribution.

    Heid IM et al.

    Nature genetics 2010;42;11;949-60

  17. Genetic predisposition to long-term nondiabetic deteriorations in glucose homeostasis: Ten-year follow-up of the GLACIER study.

    Renström F et al.

    Diabetes 2010;60;1;345-54

  18. Racial/ethnic differences in association of fasting glucose-associated genomic loci with fasting glucose, HOMA-B, and impaired fasting glucose in the U.S. adult population.

    Yang Q et al.

    Diabetes care 2010;33;11;2370-7

  19. Common inherited variation in mitochondrial genes is not enriched for associations with type 2 diabetes or related glycemic traits.

    Segrè AV et al.

    PLoS genetics 2010;6;8

  20. Interactions of dietary whole-grain intake with fasting glucose- and insulin-related genetic loci in individuals of European descent: a meta-analysis of 14 cohort studies.

    Nettleton JA et al.

    Diabetes care 2010;33;12;2684-91

  21. Genome-wide association studies of serum magnesium, potassium, and sodium concentrations identify six Loci influencing serum magnesium levels.

    Meyer TE et al.

    PLoS genetics 2010;6;8

  22. Twelve type 2 diabetes susceptibility loci identified through large-scale association analysis.

    Voight BF et al.

    Nature genetics 2010;42;7;579-89

  23. Variants in ACAD10 are associated with type 2 diabetes, insulin resistance and lipid oxidation in Pima Indians.

    Bian L et al.

    Diabetologia 2010;53;7;1349-53

  24. Evaluating the discriminative power of multi-trait genetic risk scores for type 2 diabetes in a northern Swedish population.

    Fontaine-Bisson B et al.

    Diabetologia 2010;53;10;2155-62

  25. Variants at DGKB/TMEM195, ADRA2A, GLIS3 and C2CD4B loci are associated with reduced glucose-stimulated beta cell function in middle-aged Danish people.

    Boesgaard TW et al.

    Diabetologia 2010;53;8;1647-55

  26. Genetic variants at 2q24 are associated with susceptibility to type 2 diabetes.

    Qi L et al.

    Human molecular genetics 2010;19;13;2706-15

  27. Variants in ADCY5 and near CCNL1 are associated with fetal growth and birth weight.

    Freathy RM et al.

    Nature genetics 2010;42;5;430-5

  28. Genetic evidence that raised sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

    Perry JR et al.

    Human molecular genetics 2009;19;3;535-44

  29. Pooled analysis indicates that the GSTT1 deletion, GSTM1 deletion, and GSTP1 Ile105Val polymorphisms do not modify breast cancer risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers.

    Spurdle AB et al.

    Breast cancer research and treatment 2009;122;1;281-5

  30. A genome-wide association study identifies a novel major locus for glycemic control in type 1 diabetes, as measured by both A1C and glucose.

    Paterson AD et al.

    Diabetes 2009;59;2;539-49

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